
Spiritual Coaching & Sacred Partnership

Energy Coaching: Freedom Techniques
for Mind & Body

Purpose Seekers,
Passion Followers
& Dream Builders

One-on-One Spiritual Guidance & Instruction

Especially for Ministers
and Spiritual Leaders

Rev. Carolyn

Weddings, Ceremonies & Sacred Gatherings

Marriage Preparation

Classes, Workshops
& Teleclasses



Resources & Links

What Coaching Is
and Isn’t

Sacred Partnering
with Rev. Carolyn

Spiritual Coaching
and Sacred Partnership

In Spiritual Coaching we consciously and intentionally invite the activity of Spirit into the coaching process. As we open ourselves to universal wisdom and guidance, we tune-in to intuition. Coach and client recognize the sacredness of the spiritual journey to the full expression of wholeness and celebrate the growth that occurs throughout the process.

The coach focuses her vision on your inner perfection and magnificence and helps you to see them too. Recognizing that our experiences depend upon our thoughts, beliefs, intentions, choices and actions, we then zero in on where you are now, where you desire to be, and what you are willing to do and to change to get you there. We will work together with the principles of intention, attraction, co-creation and manifestation.

In Sacred Partnership with your coach, you will find yourself dreaming bigger dreams. You will be challenged, stretched and empowered. You will be unconditionally supported as you make necessary changes and take on your authentic power. You will be cheered on as you move forward with purpose-driven actions and passion-fired intentions. And you will be celebrated as you embrace your magnificence and live a life of joy, freedom and fulfillment.
Begin your transformative journey today!

Contact Rev. Carolyn now for
a free no-obligation collaborative interview


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