Introductions THE FORMAL ONE Carolyn Claiborne is an ordained Unity minister and spiritual life and personal development coach. She is a Certified Energy Coach and member of the International Association of Coaches. She has a Master’s Degree in Education and has completed over 250 hours of coach training. Rev. Carolyn is intuitive, open to the voice of Spirit, and well-grounded in metaphysical principles. She is a powerful speaker and dynamic workshop presenter. Prior to entering ministry, Carolyn had 20 years of experience in the education and business worlds. Following the guidance of Spirit, Carolyn left church ministry to pursue her dream of empowering individuals on a one-to-one basis. She is now living that dream as she coaches internationally assisting people in discovering the power within them and reaching their highest potential. | |||||||||||||||||||
Home Spiritual Coaching & Sacred Partnership Energy Coaching: Freedom Techniques for Mind & Body Purpose Seekers, Passion Followers & Dream Builders One-on-One Spiritual Guidance & Instruction Especially for Ministers and Spiritual Leaders About Rev. Carolyn Weddings, Ceremonies & Sacred Gatherings Marriage Preparation Course Classes, Workshops & Teleclasses Newsletter Articles Resources & Links What Coaching Is and Isn’t Sacred Partnering with Rev. Carolyn Contact | |||||||||||||||||||
Rev. Carolyn Claiborne, M.A. | |||||||||||||||||||
Testimonials Carolyn is a truly remarkable, dynamic and powerful coach. She continually inspires me to explore new frontiers and ways of thinking, and has been right there beside me as I reach new heights. Thank you Carolyn, you’re a legend! - Noel Posus, Sydney, Australia Carolyn is a skilled listener. Her stimulating questions keep me focused despite my many commitments and aspirations. With her remarkable ability to think outside of the box, she comes up with great ideas, plans, and suggestions to assist me in managing and accomplishing my goals... - Dr. Janine H. Burns, Chaplain, Woodbury, NY What I noticed right away about Carolyn, was that she exudes abundant warmth, joyful spirituality, and totally loving support. This makes it easy and natural to open up and share with her. She asks "the right questions," and her homework assignments are relevant and practical. -Rev. Karen Wolfson Center for Spiritual Awakening Sarasota, FL With Carolyn's coaching I have made changes with two noticable benefits: energy and income. 50% more of my energy is now available to ME! And my schedule for the coming months is bringing more income. Now I am free to focus on expanding my ministry. Coaching is an investment, not a luxury. - Rev. Lynette Loffel New Thought Ministries New Zealand, Auckland Working with Carolyn has been a joy and has kept me focused on moving my dreams into reality. She is a skilled listener. She very gently yet firmly moves me into thinking deeper about the issues I am facing, and her questions lead me inward to discover the answers for myself. Setting meaningful and doable tasks is also very helpful. I recommend her highly to those who are ready to realize the full manifestation of their dreams. – MW, Memphis, TN I am moving forward on many more fronts than I had anticipated. By having a coach, I am more able to discuss “outlandish” ideas (those that I’m not yet ready to call “mine”), explore issues & develop plans in a safe environment. Thank you for your encouragement, thoughtful feedback, creative ideas & gentle prodding. - Rev. David Ridge Living Waters Unity Church | |||||||||||||||||||
THE INFORMAL ONE It’s hard to convey one’s essence across cyberspace this way. But perhaps I can provide a few clues, and then you can decide if you want to pursue the mystery. Clue #1: My life before ministry and coaching included being a Children’s Librarian, an Acting Director of a Public Library, a College Instructor & Consultant, a Real Estate Broker, and a Caregiver for an Alzheimer’s Patient (My mom). Okay - that tells you what I’ve done. It doesn’t really tell you who I am. So here is... Clue #2: I recently completed a fun exercise where you describe who you are without using any of the usual and expected terms and categories. Here is one of my self-portrait narratives: I am an intuitive, mystical, inner-directed, out-of-the-box thinker who is intimate with butterflies and has an off-the-wall sense of humor. Well, that’s a little better - you may be beginning to sense the flavor of my essence. And here is one last clue... Clue #3: This is another fun exercise to do as an icebreaker with a group of people you’ve just met. Everyone writes down a list of their favorite things. The lists are shuffled and read aloud. Then you try to guess who’s list it is. Here’s my list... A Potpourri of a Few of My Favorite Things Oneness, Connecting with Spirit. Mountains, Forest, Ocean, Babbling brooks, Birds and wildlife , Flower gardens, Crystals & rocks, Clear nights away from city lights, Classical music, Native American flute music, Country line dancing, Singing and playing the piano, Books, Photography, Purple, Cuddling, Sacred places, Sacred spaces, Intimate friendships, Dozens of lighted candles, Full spectrum lights, Featherbeds and down comforters, Massages, Essential oils, Irish wool sweaters. So - would you have guessed this list belonged to me? Well, that’s the last clue for now. But you’ll have to check back. More clues may randomly appear when you least expect it. In the meantime, join me in sharing the view of one of my favorite things - the beautiful East Tennessee mountains. | |||||||||||||||||||
Copyright ©2005-2008 by Carolyn Claiborne. All rights reserved. The material on this site may not be copied, reproduced, translated, hosted, cached, distributed or otherwise used without prior written permission. |